Where Boys HelpGirls in School Initiative

GISI is a Boy-Led, Boy-Ran, Boy-Founded Community Organisation that Supports Girls' Education through Advocating for and working towards Gender Equality.

At the Girls In School Initiative, our unwavering commitment is to ensure that girls not only have the right to education but that this right is fully realized. We understand that education is a powerful tool for empowerment, and we are dedicated to breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for girls to thrive academically, socially, and personally.

Our approach, rooted in the ERC principles of Enrollment, Retention, and Completion, isn’t just a strategy. It’s a commitment to a better world – a world where girls’ education isn’t just a dream, but a reality. By working tirelessly to ensure that every girl has a fair shot at education, we’re actively contributing to building a more equitable and empowered society.


REtention & Completion

Inclusive Enrollment: Our journey begins with enrollment – a critical step that opens doors to a world of possibilities. We don’t merely focus on numbers; our emphasis is on inclusivity. We tirelessly work to provide every girl, regardless of her background or circumstances, with the opportunity to step into a classroom and embark on a transformative educational journey. Our efforts extend to even the most marginalized girls in fishing communities and islands, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Retention Support: However, our commitment doesn’t stop at enrollment. We recognize that the path through education can be challenging, and that’s why we place great importance on retention. We create nurturing environments where girls feel supported, empowered, and motivated to stay in school. We actively work to remove obstacles that might hinder their journey, whether those barriers are societal, economic, or personal. Through mentorship, counseling, and community engagement, we strive to ensure that girls not only enter the classroom but remain there, undeterred by challenges.

Culmination through Graduation: We envision a world where every girl who embarks on this educational journey gets to experience the pride and joy of graduation. Completion is not just about crossing a finish line; it’s about equipping girls with the tools they need to shape their futures and those of their communities. We celebrate their achievements, not only recognizing their academic accomplishments but also fostering a sense of confidence and accomplishment that will serve them throughout their lives.

Incorporating this comprehensive approach into our work and programs, we communicate our mission through various channels, collaborate with communities, develop curricula, and celebrate success stories. Through training, workshops, and partnerships, we engage stakeholders to champion girls’ education as a driver of progress and equality. Our initiatives don’t merely focus on educating girls; they strive to transform lives, communities, and futures.

As we move forward, we remain dedicated to pushing boundaries, overcoming challenges, and working hand in hand with our community to achieve these shared objectives. If there’s anything you’d like to explore further or discuss about our approach and initiatives, please feel free to reach out. Together, we’re making strides towards a more equitable and brighter future for all.

"Girls In School Initiative Members and Partners Posed for a Photo at White Ribbon Allience aimed at supporting Girls' Education"
WhatsApp Image 2018-10-03 at 20.39.41

The Boys that HelpOur
Dedicated Team

Our dedication reflects our shared commitment to creating a world where every girl has the opportunity to access quality education and reach her full potential.
"Team Leader Magezi Bashir standing with a young girl in a school uniform working towards Girls' Education"

Magezi Bashir

He believes that all children deserve the right and Quality Education. Would love to see a world where religion isn't a used concept to deny children this right.
"Logo of Girls In School Initiative featuring a young girl in the center with books on the sides, symbolizing empowerment through education."

Sekamwa Kyanjo

He believes that all children deserve the right and Quality Education. Would love to see a world where religion isn't a used concept to deny children this right.
"Logo of Girls In School Initiative featuring a young girl in the center with books on the sides, symbolizing empowerment through education."

Najib Nsubuga

He believes that all children deserve the right and Quality Education. Would love to see a world where religion isn't a used concept to deny children this right.
"Logo of Girls In School Initiative featuring a young girl in the center with books on the sides, symbolizing empowerment through education."

Nakendo Ibrahim

He believes that all children deserve the right and Quality Education. Would love to see a world where religion isn't a used concept to deny children this right.

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Joining the Girls In School Initiative's newsletter is your direct link to staying informed and engaged with our mission. By signing up, you'll receive regular updates on our efforts to promote girls' education, advocate for gender equality, and create positive change in our community.

    WHERE BOYS HELPGirls In School Initiative
    We are a Boy-Led, Boy-Ran, Boy-Founded & Boy-Funded Community Based Organisation Supporting Girls' Education.
    GET IN TOUCHGisinitiative Social links
    WHERE BOYS HELPGirls In School Initiative
    We are a Boy-Led, Boy-Ran, Boy-Founded & Boy-Funded Community Based Organisation Supporting Girls' Education.
    OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
    GET IN TOUCHGisinitiative Social links