Climate Change

In 2019, intense rainfall resulted in a rise in water levels of Lake Victoria, leading to flooding that severely impacted a section of Kachanga Island. This flooding had devastating effects on the local community, particularly affecting a community school and a hospital. The essential services that these institutions provided were disrupted, causing significant challenges for the island's residents. In collaboration with the community, we are currently engaged in efforts to restore and rejuvenate these critical services.

Community Workshops and Trainings

We organize workshops and training sessions for community members, focusing on climate change impacts, flood preparedness, evacuation strategies, and first aid. Engage men, women, and youth to ensure a comprehensive understanding and involvement.

Localized Flood Risk Assessment

We also Collaborate with community members to conduct a localized flood risk assessment. Identify vulnerable areas, map flood-prone zones, and assess the potential impact on infrastructure, including schools.

Community-Managed Early Warning Systems

We are aiming at developing community-based early warning systems that use local knowledge and communication networks to provide timely flood alerts, enabling communities to take preventive actions.

Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Projects

We Implement projects that enhance the resilience of essential infrastructure, such as schools, health centers, and community centers. This could involve raising buildings, improving drainage systems, and installing flood barriers.

Women's Resilience Groups

We support in establishing women-led groups that focus on building resilience against climate change impacts, including flooding. These groups contribute to planning, decision-making, and implementing adaptive strategies.

Youth Engagement Programs

We empower youth to take an active role in addressing climate change-related issues. Encourage them to develop innovative solutions, raise awareness, and engage in advocacy efforts.

Gender-Responsive Disaster Plans

We work with communities to develop gender-responsive disaster management plans that consider the unique needs and roles of women, men, girls, and boys during flooding events.

Eco-friendly Farming and Fishing Practices

We Promote sustainable farming and fishing practices that are resilient to changing climate conditions, helping to reduce vulnerability to floods.

Livelihood Diversification

We assist communities in diversifying their livelihoods beyond fishing. This can provide alternative sources of income and reduce the economic impact of climate-related disruptions.

Behavior Change Campaigns

We develop campaigns that encourage responsible waste disposal, tree planting, and other environmentally friendly practices to mitigate the impacts of climate change and flooding.

Partnerships and Advocacy

We collaborate with local governments, NGOs, and international organizations to amplify our impact. Advocate for policies that address climate change resilience and gender equality in disaster response.

Knowledge Sharing and Exchange

We facilitate knowledge sharing between different communities facing similar challenges. This can promote the exchange of best practices and innovative solutions.
WHERE BOYS HELPGirls In School Initiative
We are a Boy-Led, Boy-Ran, Boy-Founded & Boy-Funded Community Based Organisation Supporting Girls' Education.
GET IN TOUCHGisinitiative Social links
WHERE BOYS HELPGirls In School Initiative
We are a Boy-Led, Boy-Ran, Boy-Founded & Boy-Funded Community Based Organisation Supporting Girls' Education.
OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
GET IN TOUCHGisinitiative Social links